I am a researcher passionate about solving scientific challenges on the edge of machine learning, computational chemistry and material science.
Currently, I am Director’s Postdoc Fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory where I focus on machine learning interatomic potentials and development of Pytorch module for excited states simulations.
I completed my PhD in Computational Chemistry in Prof. Alexander I. Boldyrev lab at Utah State University. I extensively studied new bonding patterns in atomic clusters, molecules and materials.
I am also very excited about computing infrastructure, computing clusters (which I had a chance to assemble on my own), artificial intelligence, new technology and productivity/ergonomics hacks.
- scientific computing, OOP
- machine learning
- data generation
- deployment of small computing clusters
Computational Chemistry
- machine learning interatomic potentials
- thermodynamics, kinetics, molecular dynamics
- chemical bonding and wave function analysis
Work experience
Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
- development of Pytorch module for excited states simulations
- GPU implementation of Davidson algoritm for matrix-free diagonzlization
- benchmarking of transition path sampling using ML
- active learning framework
Utah State University, USA
- ML parametrization of semi-empirical quantum chemistry
- long-range electrostatics in ML interatomic potentials
- datasets generation
- chemical bonidng in clusters and materials
- simulation of spectra to match experiment
- advancement of computing infrastracture
Summer Internship at Center for Non-Linear Studies
- data generation for ML parametrization of semi-empirical quantum chemistry
Summer Internship in Desing of Polyfunctional Materials
- design, bonding and dynamics in 2D materials
Research Assistant
Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry
- theoretical study of NO release
- reaction mechanisms in alkaloids
Physical/Computational Chemistry
Professor: Alexander I. Boldyrev
Fundamental and Applied Chemistry